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They're even fully stocked on the classic Nasty Pig Core Jockstraps in both black and white. There are jockstraps, briefs, shorts and socks from Xposed, X-X-X, Mandate, Takedown, Mission and Ever Nasty collections. Colors available are black, red, blue or yellow.Ĭurrently Jockstrap Central has got lots of hot new Nasty Pig products to choose from, mostly from their Spring 2018 collections. You get to choose the color of the socks once you've checked out. To get your free socks, simply put some Nasty Pig gear into your shopping cart and as soon as you reach $60 a free pair of socks will appear in your cart. As a bonus, you'll also qualify for our free USA shipping and discounted world shipping offer (more on that below).

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It's a pretty good deal as these socks retail for $16 each. For the next three days, until Friday, June 15th, you can get a free pair of Nasty Pig Hook'd Up Sports Socks when you buy $60 or more of Nasty Pig gear at Jockstrap Central.

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